Friday, September 12, 2008

Modern humans are known as Homo Sapiens. The first group of Homo Sapiens were discovered about 2 to 2.5 million years ago.A nick name for Homo Sapiens are "thinking man".

During the 19th and 20th century was when the first findings of Homo Erectus took place. They were found in Indonesia and china. They were not recognized as early hominids into after later studies. Since the 1950's discoveries have been made mostly in Africa, but also in Asia. The first of these discoveries were found in Algeria were, three jaws, a cranial bone, and some teeth were found.

"Lucy" was found somewhere between 3.6 and 3 million years ago and belongs to the Australopethicus. (Lucy) one of the best preserved human remnants is a skeleton that was discovered at Hader in Ethiopia.

Homo Habolis is the earliest known species of the genus homo. It existed from approximately 2.2 to 1.6 million years ago in east Africa. So far very few fossil remains have been found. A. africanus brains are 30% smaller then those of Homo Habilis. Males were much larger then females. Homo Habolis has the nickname "Handy Man" because he was thought to be very handy, making many stone tools.

Netherlands were in Europe and Western Asia, they were discovered 230,000 years ago, and the last Netherlands died about 28,000 years ago. Netherlands are thought to have coexisted with Homo Sapiens for 10,000 years. They had competition! The Netherlands made basic spears and other weapons. There are many similarity's between the Netherlands and the Human culture, they made shelters and controlled fire, they burried there dead, and skinned there meat and ate it.